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My Journey

We have unlimited possibilities in life. We need to perceive the synchronicity of events and flow with the inspiring dance called life. Insights and wisdom are constantly blossoming in front of us, and we need to connect with the intelligent way life unfolds. There is no coincidence in life; you attract to your reality the same quality of information you send to the universe.

The pursuit of spiritual development and the expansion of consciousness have always been vital pillars in my life. I have always been interested in learning and experiencing different rituals and traditions, seeking what truly resonates with my heart. 

I was initiated into Shamanism in 2005. I studied ancient civilizations' origins and practices, like the Kahunas, Native Americans, Mayas, Celtics, Incas, Aztecs, Hindus, and Buddhists, and soon I started working in energy healing circles.

I was blessed to have had the opportunity to travel to different countries and have deep and meaningful experiences during rituals and retreats in places like Eastern Island, Mexico, Peru, and India.


I've been practicing yoga passionately for over 20 years and teaching yoga for over seven years. I would say that this was my first step toward manifesting my most profound purpose of supporting others on their own journeys. Yoga and meditation were also the first steps to help me understand how things work, interact, and correlate, from the macro to the microcosm, in another perspective and depth.

Yoga and meditation are essential pillars in my life and gave me much meaning, knowledge, and understanding. Yoga and meditation led me to the sound healing practice with crystal bowls and gongs. Those are powerful tools to work with your energetic field subtly and gently.

I am certified and have consistently practiced different yoga styles for over 20 years. Still, something extraordinary happened when I  started practicing yoga Nidra: the profound experience of connecting with my unconscious mind. The more I practiced yoga Nidra, the more amazed I felt about this incredible realm of the unconscious mind.

Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu
Andrea Correia in spiritual retreats around the world, Peru, India, Macchu Pichu

The practice of yoga Nidra inspired me to learn other techniques that could use the power of the unconscious mind to help people in their healing processes. My search for subtle healing paths led me to Hypnotherapy and Energy Psychology. A new world started to unfold in front of my eyes: the possibility of bypassing the conscious mind and digging deep into the unconscious mind. That way, we can resolve issues the conscious mind cannot handle. 

The unconscious mind stores the beliefs that guide us in life. Nevertheless, due to traumas, challenging situations, and complicated emotions, we create assumptions in our unconscious mind that don't reflect who we really are, and we let them drive us in the present moment. They are sometimes the product of something that happened to us a long time ago, often not present in our lives anymore, but somehow, they are still influencing our choices and decisions in the present moment.

Hypnotherapy and Energy Psychology practices like Emotion Freedom Technique (EFT) and Emotion Code are effective tools to help us overcome challenges we consciously consider unable to. We have infinite possibilities to manifest our full potential, and we cannot give up opportunities in life based on fears, misconceptions, and traumas, which are features created by our minds.

I feel blessed and privileged to combine different approaches and practices that can speed up the process of achieving a healthy and balanced state of body, mind, and spirit so you can unleash your full potential and live your life to the fullest. 

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